Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I love watches!

I have always liked watches; from my first one (when as a kid) which I opened up to see the 'works', to the many I've owned--and sometimes lost--over the years.I have some gems in my collection; including a original, limited edition Hughes digital; Two Zodiacs and my latest, inexpensive, Armitron analog and a vintage era Mickey Mouse. Cost is not the factor--although it is an issue. I'm just drawn to them; and, many are still on my wish list.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Big Band Sheet Music....., has stories to tell.

This might generate a few thoughts. You know, when You're a member of a band, the actual 'sheet music' is a constant. Players come and go--in most cases; but, the same sheet music remains for all those who pass pass through to READ. Open a big band folder, and rarely--unless it was just passed out--is a piece of music void of 'stuff' other than title, credits, notes and staves, etc. Along with sometimes being raggedy, frayed, coffee stained--don't leave the cup there; the stand is already tilted and Murphy's law lurks...:-)}--, ...cigarette burned or otherwise soiled; are the marks, note changes,etc. made by previous players of the part. Then, it can go off the hook--phone numbers, meaningless scribbles, drawings--including eyeglasses with dot eyes(helpful here because it noted a passage to 'watch out for'), cartoons, jokes, signatures, dates,etc. One thing I found funny, and always remember; is a prior player had crossed out the title 'Eleanor Rigby' , and wrote--with a marker: 'Bilbo Bagby'................; go figure. I guess its a 'leaving your mark' thing.................:-)}

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Buzz Starts Here

Although, I don't play my lower brass horns--King 3B Silversonic slide/valve trombone, Conn 8H and King Bb Flugabone-- much these days, when I do, I use my custom made Giardinelli 4M. I've been using it since the late 60's. I had it fitted at the famous mouthpiece makers NYC store. It is gold plated, has a removable screw on cushion rim and was later( approx. 1968) retro fitted with a pick up for use with amplified and electronic equipment. A small mic--used either direct or via preamp--has been used with The King Vox box, various amps, Echoplex, guitar effects pedals, etc. over the years. I also experimented with it during recordings--going direct into the board(console), mic into 1 channel & direct into another, etc. With all brass instruments, your mouthpiece is your friend. It's where the buzz starts to make music!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

South Africa Recordings

Happy to this post a copy(link) of one of Electriclive blogs here--thanks for all of your efforts Chris. http://electricjive.blogspot.com/2012/02/song-of-soweto-mallory-hall-band-1974.html